Safety and Quality

At Allied Global Projects, safety and quality are of paramount importance and we will leave no stone unturned in ensuring that all our engineering and construction projects adhere to the highest international standards.

All our projects adhere to the following industrial standards:

  • International Construction Standards (ICS)
  • Oman Standards (OS)

The dynamic and professional team members at Allied Global Projects will carefully monitor every step of the project to ensure that the project is concluded successfully and that the safety of the project crew is preserved. We use only the best and the most accurate tools and are very particular about even the most minute of details.

All our project crew members use only the best available Plant Protection Equipment (PPE) and clothing to ensure their safety. In fact, Allied Global Projects is proud to mention that so far we have not recorded a single serious injury to our team members while we count more than 250,000 man hours without LTI (Lost Time Injury). This unblemished record is in itself a tribute to the relentless and dedicated efforts of our team members.